First time using FlutterFlow

Build your apps by drag-and-drop interface

Evan Fang
Geek Culture


Image from

2021 Google I/O was just ended a month ago. Though COVID-19 pandemic affected it that Google can only host it online, It was still amazing. Lots of ideas were shared in the conferences and today, I’m gonna share with you one of them — FlutterFlow.

FlutterFlow is a tool that you can take advantage of it to build mobile apps, without writing any code.

FlutterFlow has a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes it super easy to build all kinds of apps that work on both iOS and Android. On top of that, letting users own their creation is very important to us, so we enable exporting of the generated Flutter code. It is even possible to directly push to a Github repository from FlutterFlow!

When I first heard this idea, I was wondering is it really possible to approach that? I cannot imagine that especially when I am an app engineer. So I looked into it and here’s my experience of it.

Table of contents

  1. Pricing
  2. Features
  3. Issues I ran into so far
  4. Resources




Evan Fang
Geek Culture

An Android/Flutter engineer at LINE Corporation.