Frontend vs Backend Software Development

Rui Yi Gan
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2022


Breakdown by a College Undergraduate

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

It took me a while

What’s the difference between Frontend and Backend development or engineering? For many experienced software developers, this is probably a no-brainer and something easy to understand. However, for some of us (at least myself), it took me a while to properly understand Frontend vs Backend engineering. Having finished a year of my 4-year Computer Science course, I realized that Computer Science is not Software Engineering. The things I learned in school were quite theoretical. Things like Programming Methodology, Object Oriental Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithm. While I am aware of the existence of both the Frontend and Backend for a well-functioning application, I got confused by the many Frontend and Backend libraries and frameworks out there. However, after trying out some web development and going through an internship, I have a much better understanding of the differences.

Frontend Development

Frontend developers focus on the client-side: meaning whatever the user is interacting with on the website. For example, I am currently using Medium as a user. Hence, as Frontend developers of Medium, they will be responsible for my experience using Medium: how articles and buttons are placed on the Medium website…



Rui Yi Gan
Geek Culture

I enjoy writing about life, college, and everything under the sky. Computer Science student in Singapore and a big fan of Conan O'Brien and Rick Riordan.