Git Cheat Sheet
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2 min readJun 5, 2021
This will be a quick guide to Git’s most common commands which you will be using on day to day basis.
Add Git and Push a Project to Github
cd project/git init
# initialises a repositorygit add .
# add all the files from working directory to the staging areagit commit -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE"
# commit all changesgit remote add origin
# To add a new remote git push -u origin <new-branch>
# Sync local branch with remote
Clone Repository
git clone <url>
# Clone a repository locally
Branching and Merging
git branch
# show list of all branches (* active) (for now we are assuming the current branch is master)git checkout -b git_demo
# create a new branch with the name git_demo<make changes>git commit -agit checkout master
# go back to master branchgit merge git_demo
# merge changesets from git_demo (Git >= 1.5)git pull . git_demo
# merge changesets from git_demo (all Git versions)git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
# rename branch with oldname to new namegit branch -m <newname>
# rename current branch
Undo unpublished merge
git reset --hard commit_sha
# with git reflog check which commit is one prior the merge (git reflog will be a better option than git log)another way, git reset --hard HEAD~1
# it will get you back 1 commit.
Delete Repository
git branch -d <branch_name>
# deletes local branchgit push origin :<branchname>
# deletes remote branchgit remote prune <branchname>
# update local/remote sync
git log
# view information about previous commits, commit hash, author, message, and date