Google introduces Data Clean Rooms in BigQuery

How to share secure and private Data in BigQuery Cleaning Rooms

Geek Culture


Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Last year, Google has launched Analytics Hub built on BigQuery, which lets customers share and exchange data cost-effectively, while helping to minimize data movement challenges [1].

Now, they have announced the launch of Data Clean Rooms for Q3 as an integrated service for their Data Warehouse BigQuery. Google says that Data Clean Rooms will be available in all BigQuery regions through Analytics Hub, and can be created and deployed in minutes. Customers can use Google Cloud console or APIs to create secure clean room environments, and invite partners or other participants to contribute data [2].

Users normally share many types of data that also have more stringent regulatory and privacy requirements. Therefore, a Data Clean Room can be a good solution. It is a technology service that helps content platforms keep first person user data private when interacting with partners.



Geek Culture

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