Google Is Also Killing Ad Industry like Apple

Promises to put an end to personalized ads starting with Android 12

Geek Culture


Photo by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash

Google’s decision to put an end to personalized ads on Android may come as surprise to many. Because at core Google is an advertising company. Close to 80% of its revenue comes from advertising. But with pressure from regulators and consumers, Google had no choice but to follow Apple’s lead to protect users' privacy and data.

A recent policy update on Advertising revealed that this rollout will affect apps running on Android 12 devices this year and will expand the service to devices that support Google Play services in 2022.

All the apps on Android that run ads use a unique advertising ID for advertising provided by Google Play services. This unique ID allows developers to continue monetizing apps by running personalized ads based on user's interests.

But Android 12 update and future Google Play update is about to change how ads are served to the users.

Now users can opt-out the use of Advertising ID within Google Play Apps

For the uninitiated, Google already allows Android users to opt-out of personalized ads but it was not effective. Because even if users opted out, developers can…



Geek Culture

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