Google’s Artificial Intelligence Came to Life As It Portrays Emotions

It was only a matter of time until AI would start going sentient

Andrei Tapalaga ✒️
Geek Culture


Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Since the integration of Artificial intelligence (AI) in online search engines and social media platforms, everyone knew it was a matter of time until these AI entities would actually come to life.

A well-known Google engineer named Blake Lemoine had tested Google’s artificially intelligent chatbot generator named LaMDA. He shortly realized that the AI went sentient as it showed different types of emotions and was able to understand human logic.

This AI is believed to be one of the most intelligent there on the internet. The chatbot has been created to offer online users the ability to speak with someone to combat loneliness, as well as for other uses such as guiding users through the internet. and provide answers to all types of questions in the format of a conversation.

Blake Lemoine was given the job to test the AI by talking to it using different tones, from hateful speech to humility and appreciation before the AI would be launched officially for use. Lemoine recorded all of the interactions he had with LaMDA and published it all in an article on Medium.



Andrei Tapalaga ✒️
Geek Culture

Avid Writer with invaluable knowledge in Humanity! “You make your own life”