Here’s a Manual on Strategically Promoting Your Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Platform

Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2022

We all know the importance of capital in a business. The very foundation of a business depends on the money invested in it. ICO- Initial Coin Offering plays a vital role when it comes to crypto products. As it has just been a while since the crypto projects showed up, it is quite not possible for people to trust it wholly and invest in it. When you have an ICO platform, you need people with crypto projects and investors that would trust the projects listed on your platform to invest in it. However, finding such people is not an easy joke. So, what can you do about it? Let us see.

ICO- an introduction

The introduction of the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) platform is one of the most wonderful things to ever happen in the crypto universe. An Initial Coin Offering platform is a fundraising forum where you can list your crypto project and find a potential investor to invest in it. ICO platforms keep emerging as the demand and the popularity of crypto projects keep increasing. If you wish to increase traffic on your platform, you need more than efficiency and quality. Yes, you need killer marketing strategies.

Marketing Strategies for ICO

The thing about marketing strategies is that you can never be sure it will work or not. You cannot employ the same techniques for all the products as the target audience, and the reach is never the same. Certain products need certain methods to reach places. However, here is a list of strategies that ICO Promotion Services companies can use to yield great results in their sales and visibility.

Marketing methods you could employ

Social Media Marketing

We all know how much time people spend on social media. Statistically speaking, on an average day, a smartphone user spends a minimum of three hours on social media. They surf their way from Facebook to Twitter and binge-watch videos on Youtube. Twitter marketing helped the virtual collectibles reach a GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) rap singer like EMINEM. Therefore, marketing your ICO platform on social media is best to give your brand better exposure.

Discord Marketing

Discord is the new knock at the door. The platform’s growing popularity and use cases make it one of the best platforms for marketing non-fungible tokens. The most impressive quality about this platform is that it is free of any algorithm. Therefore, never does any content you post on your server go unnoticed. You can also build as many servers as you want and build your community to market your products and business efficiently.

Content Marketing

Content marketing could come off as an old strategy. However, it has not lost its viability. Ever noticed how the same content that comes out of your physics teacher’s mouth becomes ten times more interesting when it comes from a popular YouTube creator? Well, that is the power of delivery. If you can sculpt content that could reach the hearts of people, you could market your product via that. Even the stupidest jokes crack up people when it is delivered right. Therefore, with the right delivery through content, you can hike up your product sale in no time.

SEO Marketing

Google is the new doctor that people trust nowadays. Even when people experience slight discomfort, their immediate instinct is to go search about their experience in the search engine. Therefore strategically using keywords and content that would get more traffic to your ICO platform via search engine optimization is one effective way to market it digitally. Hire a team of experienced SEO analysts that would use the most captivating keywords to attract traffic to your sites. When people get access to viewing your website, you can expect a good level of increase in your sales as well.

PR Management

No other marketing strategy matches the effect of human interactions. The more you get in touch with humans in person and preach to them the importance of investing in a crypto project, the more you can increase your brand value. Public Relations management remains one of the most effective strategies of all time. Keeping your audience updated about what is going on in the crypto world and how beneficial an investment could be would help you gain the trust of your target audience and reach more potential investors and buyers.

Influencer Marketing

The very word influence sums up what this marketing strategy does. When you find yourself an influencer to brand your ICO platform, you make sure their impact increases your brand name. Remember when Cristiano Ronaldo made the whole world say No to coca-cola? That is the power of influential people. The more influence they have in the world, the more popularity your brand name will get when you use them for marketing your product. Influencer marketing remains one of the best-winning strategies currently when it comes to Initial Coin Offering platforms.


Let’s say you are not really sure about what marketing strategies you could employ. There is no ICO marketing strategy that you could stick with throughout your venture. Therefore, you need to keep yourself updated about the demand and requirements in the market. In that case, you can always seek assistance from an ICO marketing services agency that guides you through this process. Choosing a reputable agency with a considerable amount of experience in the field is one way to ensure you yield the results you expect.

