Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Use an IDE to Write Code for 3 Months

No code completion, inspections, or error highlighting. What can go wrong?

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Image via Shutterstock under license to Frank Andrade

There was a time when I didn’t use an IDE to write code at all. Back then, I didn’t know the difference between a text editor and an IDE, so I just downloaded the program used in the tutorials I watched and stuck to it for some time.

In those days, I was learning Python for data science, so I often wrote code on Jupyter Notebook. This is neither a simple text editor nor a full-featured IDE, but it lacked things such as code completion, code inspection, and other functionalities I use now on a daily basis (you could install extensions but somehow that option wasn’t available on the version I had).

Although Jupyter Notebook might be enough for data science, things got trickier when using it in other areas, which I did for more than 3 months until I realized there were better alternatives.

Here’s what happens when you don’t use an IDE to write code.

You start making more mistakes, which isn’t bad at all if you’re learning to code

As you might expect, I’d start making typos that threw me annoying errors like the one below.

