Here’s What Most Data Science Courses Don’t Teach You

And free resources to learn them on your own.

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Image via Shutterstock under license to Frank Andrade

There’s no perfect data science course in this world, but do you know what most of them don’t teach you?

The not-so-obvious skills and tools you’ll need at work!

Most data science courses are great to get you started with a programming language and refresh the knowledge of maths and statistics you have, but they lack a couple of modules dedicated to the skills you need to have at work that will help you work efficiently with other data scientists and get non-data scientists to understand your work.

Here are three things you probably didn’t learn in a data science course (plus resources to learn them on your own).

Software Engineering Practices

As a data scientist, you’ll be writing code in programming languages such as SQL, Python, and R. Although most data science courses will help you get started with coding, they won’t teach you or focus on good practices.

Good practices such as writing clean code, modular code, and how to optimize your code are very popular in software engineering. Believe it or not, these good practices will help you become a better data scientist.

