Who Rules Bitcoin? The Miners Do.

When all is said and done, it’s the miners that decide the direction of Bitcoin.

Blog From the Future
Geek Culture


Who is pulling the strings behind the Bitcoin curtain?

Bitcoin is the most revolutionary technology developed since the internet came into being. It’s called a blockchain. Some would argue that it’s the greatest advance since the invention of money, itself.

The Bitcoin blockchain is an autonomous, “robotic,” digital ledger system that records all transactions in an immutable and unhackable fashion — without human intervention.

A couple of posts back, I talked about the strange but true fact that no one really knows who created Bitcoin, this marvel of human ingenuity that’s bound to change humanity.

This leads me to the million-dollar question:

If “Satoshi Nakamoto,” the pseudonymous genius who created Bitcoin has left the driver’s seat, then who‘s driving Bitcoin?

How is the Bitcoin network governed?

To quickly reiterate, Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the original developer of Bitcoin. Nakamoto mysteriously vanished from the face of the planet in the spring of…



Blog From the Future
Geek Culture

Blog From the Future reports on disruptive tech, specializing in renewable energy, AI, robotics, computing, cryptocurrency, and other future technologies.