How Are Renewed Brands Make Use of PWAs to Improve Their Business Growth?

Sophia Martin
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readApr 8, 2022

Are you still relying on traditional business models to generate revenue? If so, then you are far away from the market competition. Moreover, gone are those days when having a website is enough to remain competitive in the cut-throat market.

In this technology driven era, there is an app for everything from shopping to banking, trading to enterprise management. As the online market is growing, businesses and renewed brands are looking for ways to create an application or digital solution that ensure better user experience. And building progressive web apps is the perfect enhanced version of your web app that ensures extra capabilities like offline usage, faster load time , push notifications and more.

If you are also here to know more about how PWAs can help businesses to grow and improve business ROI, then you are at the right place. This blog will shed some light on the concerns below.

Key Highlight of the blog:

  • Understanding the Concept of Progressive Web Apps
  • Benefits of Using PWAs For Your Business
  • What Startup Development Problems Do PWAs Can resolve?
  • Why Are PWAs Perfect For Small Businesses?
  • Conclusion: When is the Right Time To Invest in PWAs?

Let’s discuss these points in detail for better understanding…

1. Understanding the Concept of Progressive Web Apps

PWA stands for a progressive web app that can be installed and seamlessly run on multiple platforms. And by using cached data from the previous interactions, PWAs ensure the capability to operate offline without even a stable internet connection. A progressive web app is an enhanced version of your website that actually bridges a gap between native app and web app. PWAs have all the functionalities of a native app and still manages to deliver the usability of a website.

If you are planning to develop a progress web app, then make sure it have these attributes:

  • Reliable: PWAs are developed with the simple aim to deliver excellent user experience. So make sure it loads instantly and never shows a website down, even under unpredictable network conditions.
  • Fast Loading: To improve user experience and enhance user interactions, make sure your PWAs load faster and ensure seamless navigation without janky scrolling.
  • Highly Engaging: PWAs seems like a normal app but with highly engaging UI design ensure excellent user experience and keep your users stay connected with an app.

In simple terms, a PWA is an app browser that encourages businesses to create better mobile experiences. It offers full-screen experience and is easily installable and stays on the user’s home screen. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to enhance the customer experience then it is worth hiring a mobile app development company that can take your business to the next level. Experts can leverage the power of this platform to reach new markets and enhance their user experience. But before you are investing into PWAs you need to understand the key benefits of using progressive web apps for your business. How will it help you grow your business…

2. Benefits of Using PWAs For Your Business

In recent years, PWAs have gained immense popularity because of its performance. Since it combines the features of both websites and native apps and mimics the look and feel of native apps while being much lighter, therefore, more and more businesses are turning to the PWAs.

If you are a startup and looking for ways to create a digital presence of your brand without even investing a huge amount, then PWAs can be a perfect choice. It looks similar to native apps but also embraces the benefits of a website.

In case, if you are in a dilemma of how it will help your business grow and assist in improving ROI, then you should understand the benefits of using PWAs.

  • Low Development Cost

To get started with the PWAs you won’t need to create different versions for multiple devices. A single progressive web app will meet all the business requirements, no matter on which devices it is being run. Therefore it significantly reduces the efforts of creating multiple versions and costs you 4 to 5 times less than the cost of average native mobile app development.

  • Native-Like Look And Feel

In this modern digital driven era, mobile users prefer browsing an app as compared to websites that are user-friendly, can operate offline and have a more attractive interactive. Progressive web apps provide an advanced user experience by combining the look and feel of the mobile app that work like native apps using the functionalities of a website. You can hire a mobile app developer to make a difference in the performance. PWAs are all about speed and responsiveness of the web app, so it is worth considering professional assistance to make them run well on browsers.

  • Fast Loading and Better Performance

The most annoying thing for users is operating websites and apps that are significantly slow and poor in performance.

PWAs cache and serve text, images and other content in a specific and efficient manner which enables them to operate like websites and significantly improves the running speed. Along with fast loading, impeccable performance is another attribute of PWAs that leads to better user experience and improved conversion rates.

  • Seamless Operation at Offline Mode

The capability to operate offline or even unpredictable network conditions makes PWAs much more convenient to access than browsing websites. The built-in service providers cache are considered as the most important element of PWAs that make it operate automatically without any need of downloading it. This feature of PWAs saves the information on the browser when previously accessed and then users can browse it without visiting online.

  • Enhanced Security

PWAs majorly rely on HTTPs to provide data safety and eliminate the risk of security. The integrated security protocols allow to preclude snooping and content tampering. For better execution, you can consider hiring an app developer to make your progressive web apps highly secured. Also, the applications can take advantage of Web Bluetooth technology that includes certain security capabilities.

These are the few benefits which have made PWAs a really big thing for a broad spectrum of business cases. Google Progressive Web Apps not only bring the native app features to the web but also have been conceived and implemented to solve real-world business issues. But before implementing PWAs, you must be curious to know how it will help you improve your business ROI.

3. What Startup Development Problems Do PWAs Can resolve?

Wondering how PWAs can help you address business challenges and enable you to grow in 2022? If yes, then you need to understand the issues that can be addressed by using PWAs…

  • Lower Development and Maintenance Cost

Whether you are a startup or a leading entrepreneur, developing and maintaining the cost of the app is always a pressing concern. Being a business owner, you need to own two project teams to consist of developers with different skills for the development and maintenance. And these efforts will translate into more expensive projects. But PWAs are the perfect solution as they are built on just one code base and you only need to maintain a single codebase.

  • Unshakable Dependencies

The biggest hassle of developing an app for both platforms will make you jump between rules of app stores. Apart from cut-throat competition of the app stores, Apple and Google could reject the number of applications for any reason.

Another soul-draining realization is one in four users will open your app once and never open it again. And this is the major issue with business planning to create an application.

However, with PWA, your app gets discovered when users internationally come across it by visiting your business website or social media page. This ultimately results in a better version of your web. With PWAs, your app is always on, always updated, and can be easily saved on the mobile desktop and mobile device.

  • Retain Customers and Gain Loyalty

The biggest challenge among businesses is to expand their business reach while retaining their existing customers. PWA gives you full freedom and independence to retain your customers with excellent app performance and keeping users engaged. This will in return increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Surely these are the few major issues that businesses encountered while migrating your business model to digital platforms. But why are PWAs always recommended to startups or small businesses..

4. Why Are PWAs Perfect For Small Businesses?

In this digital driven world, having a mobile first has become a first priority for businesses. There are billions of mobile users who have the ability to visit your website but offering them fast and seamless browsing experience have become a great challenge for businesses. Statistics show that 47% of users expect a webpage to load within 2 seconds and less. This can be daunting to make your website or application load in less than 2 seconds. Businesses make the efforts and investments in new trends and technologies. If you are also expecting the same, then PWAs are the perfect option to look for.

Here are the reasons why PWAs are perfect for small businesses…

  • Enhance User Engagement Even With No Networks

There is no doubt in this fact that native apps ensure you excellent user experience but it requires network connectivity to be operational. But, PWAs on the other hand allow your users to interact and browse even when there is no network. PWAs offer the same native app experience even under all network conditions.

  • Affordable Mobile Solutions

PWAs are an affordable alternative to costly native apps. Since PWAs are based on a single codebase, therefore you can save upto 40% cost than building two native apps. Here is where, PWAs help startups drive higher traffic on their website and ensure better performance.

  • Work Best With Mobile and Website

Since PWAs embrace the capabilities of both mobile apps and websites, therefore, it offers a one-stand solution to small businesses to kick start their journey in the best possible way. Right from redirection, push notifications, offline content accessibility, full-screen capability to real-time loading, PWAs can ensure you best experience.

Conclusion: When is the Right Time To Invest in PWAs?

By bringing the unique combination of the capabilities of native mobile apps and web apps, PWAs are seamlessly improving user experience and enhancing business ROI. While it is not just about customer loyalty and user experience- enhanced security and lower development and maintenance cost factors are the major reasons for businesses to go for PWAs. By hiring a mobile app development company you can immediately get started with the PWA and make your brand available on digital platforms. In fact, with professional assistance you can flawlessly switch to PWAs and get the most out of their capabilities for your business.

So whether you are looking forward to learning more about PWAs and how it will help your business to grow or how much it will cost you to create, feel free to contact us or drop a query below.



Sophia Martin
Geek Culture

Sr. Business Analyst & Tech Writer— | Write on Trending Technologies | Sr. IT Consultant. 14+ Years of Exp. | LinkedIn: