How Artificial Intelligence Threatens World Peace

Is another Cold War on the way?

Derek London
Geek Culture


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If you follow my blogs, you know that I’ve been focusing a fair amount of attention on artificial intelligence, and how it has raised reasons for both optimism and extreme ethical pause. In this one, I want to discuss how there is potential for a new conflict not dissimilar to the Cold War with the development and proliferation of nuclear energy; but this time AI will take centre stage of the theatre.

Any technology can be used as either a sword or a plowshare

Very much akin to nuclear expansion, artificial intelligence comes with its own bag of pros and cons. Indubitably, nuclear energy has been harnessed for the commonwealth of mankind. How so? According to one source:

Water Desalination — Reducing the saline content of seawater is extremely costly and inefficient. But nuclear energy can provide such low-cost power.

Medical — Nuclear technology has been harnessed in various medical applications ranging from imaging to killing tumors and sanitizing surgical equipment.

Space Exploration & Reliable Energy — Exploiting the heat from plutonium can be used in the production of electricity. Such generators can operate independently for long…



Derek London
Geek Culture

Editor for Diogenes Lounge. Writer for ILLUMINATION and a YouTube personality. Subscribe to my channel: