How BASIC knowledge helps us solve a ~2 million views question

It’s beautiful when theory meets practice

ĐINH Đăng Khoa
Geek Culture


Enjoy the enlightenment moment when theory meets practice
“light bulb” by acidpix is licensed under CC BY 2.0

You can check out the question here. It’s the problem with the SSH private key. The answer is at the end of the article, I have created links in the table of contents for you to navigate. However, to enjoy the “that makes sense” moment, I encourage you to walk through each part of the article.

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. Background knowledge — Encryption
    - Definition
    - Symmetric encryption
    - Asymmetric encryption
  3. Real-life examples of using SSH
    - Using SSH with Git hosting service
    - SSH configuration files
  4. Answer the question
  5. Wrap up


To manipulate the remote server, we need a method that allows us to connect to them from our computer. SSH is one of those methods.

SSH is a method that helps us establish a secure connection to a remote server.

This connection allows us to work directly with the server’s shell. From there we can do all the tasks like we are doing with our machine.

In the next section, I would like to review some background knowledge before starting to talk…



ĐINH Đăng Khoa
Geek Culture

Software/Data Engineer. Technical writer. Sharing my journey and lessons in tech careers. Intertwining the technical realm with life's wisdom.