How Do I Earn Billion $ of Money With the Help of Cryptocurrency MLM Software?

Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readAug 13, 2022


MLM Software

Recently, we can see more changes in the industry due to the increasing technology in multi-level marketing. In the MLM space, earning is not based on promoting the products. They don’t wanna be a seller instead they take the benefit of this sector as a smart investor.

Though this happens, I never believe in such kind of earnings. I tried to move in front of the ideologies of network marketing. Where I can succeed or fail. But I can’t believe that smart money can be simply earned from MLM.

Technology had created more advancements which took me many years to revive.

Anyway, who does not need smart money?

This idea tempts all to enter into cryptocurrency MLM-based companies. This results in the increased number of scam cryptocurrency MLM software development. But we should not get afraid of these scammed companies. In contrast, we should consider past mistakes as experience and should move forward in the industry by wisely choosing the best cryptocurrency MLM software development.

What do typical people like us foresee from a smart business in MLM or network marketing?

Whatever our anticipations, we should have clear knowledge about the following topic before stepping into MLM.

First of all, We should Know about MLM Amplifies Earnings

MLM and blockchain resemble the same as they are P2P models operating in a network. It’s just to say that a combination of the two is the best powerful ecosystem.

In an MLM model, enterprises encourage the network clients to promote their products in their network to enhance the chain. This is a money-making opportunity for both the enterprise and clients in the network to make passive income and improve financially. But, there are few Ponzi plans to damage the industry standards which frequently leads to loss of trust among the clients.

For example: Just in this passion, tempt me to join an auto-feel network, but the website suddenly closed after my joining.

Where I lost some hundred rupees in the interest of smart money. Because the auto-feel network is a scam company that is established to cheat people.

When we join a business plan (without product), then it is confirmed that he is going to lose something. which is depicted as a Ponzi plan, not as an investment scheme.

Similarly, if we join a plan having worthless product value then he will also lose their money in the end.

But, there are only a handful of companies selling value-worth products to their clients to make amplified earnings.

Step into Billion Dollar Industry

Whereas with Blockchain, MLM business enterprises can manage these disadvantages and creates trust-worth networks to achieve success. As millions of clients globally have gained profit through MLM.

But, its collaboration with the blockchain will create high-performance business models. Wiping into the Billion-Dollar MLM industry means capitalizing on unpaired options for revenue generation.

Why I am getting Cryptocurrency MLM Software

Recently, MLM has gained high popularity when it enters the crypto industry. It has generated numerous money-making opportunities for the clients and has lots of improved potential. Currently, the industrial value of MLM has crossed 167 billion$.

Cryptocurrency MLM is a marketing plan with many money-making schemes where companies encourage the clients to promote their services or product to their friends or others in the network.

In one word, cryptocurrency MLM creates a Win-Win situation for companies and clients.

How do We make money running an MLM business?

It’s quite interesting, come let’s see…

The whole success of the business is based on how many members we have and how they are proactive in adding members to our network. But, the earnings from MLM may change by the way we chose the MLM plan.

Here, I have used some of the ways to make money with MLM business and how to integrate those ideas into our Cryptocurrency MLM software development.


The creation of cryptocurrency is performed on the ERC20 protocol. Where ERC20 is an NFT token that is utilized for the transaction and can also be exchanged for goods. ERC20 tokens don’t hold any value until they are correlated to an asset. Once it’s backed by an asset then it’s widely utilized and its value gets increased.

Based on the use-case, the cryptocurrency would be a product or utilized to purchase the product within the network. The cryptocurrency MLM software could integrate the cryptocurrency within the platform and also be utilized to launch a product offering within the platform.


Membership fees include a few commitments for the members and one must be sure before being a member of the platform. The cryptocurrency MLM software development contains a Multi-tiered membership scheme that works outstandingly.


The cryptocurrency MLM software development integrates financial or digital products which comfort the members to showcase it to their potential customers. We can also create a product page for it with a link so that the person who sells the product can refer to it and the client can also know what they are buying. This helps the members to increase their revenue with better selling.


As we are eagerly looking to launch new Crypto based MLM company, it is a must to see a Cryptocurrency MLM software development with a crypto-dependent gateway with multiple payment options, no transaction fees, confidential transactions, simple accessibility, easier international trade, etc. If a cryptocurrency MLM software evolves above the said criteria then it will be the right choice to start the business. If you ask for my suggestion, I would like to suggest Zodeak. A leading Cryptocurrency exchange development company that offers ready-made Cryptocurrency MLM Software with prominent features and bug-free solutions.

