How I Built an Overengineered Serverless Uptime Checker

Kyle Carter
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readApr 24, 2021


Recently I was working on a project where we were working with a third party in order to process different Office files. This third-party had both a production tenant as well as a development tenant as can be common with these types of integrations. The development tenant was much less stable than the production tenant and, at least it felt like, it would go down quite often. At this point it was just a gut feel from our interactions on and off with the service so we wanted to quantify it. As we considered ways we could check whether the service was down or not there was no real way to simply call the service to see if it responded or not because it would go down in a far more complex manner than that, basically it would just stop processing files correctly. All we had left was a spreadsheet that the service provider would update when their services were up or down. They had an automated process behind updating this spreadsheet so this seemed to be the best option.

Below is an example of what this spreadsheet looks like.

Example spreadsheet holding uptime information

At this point we needed to consider our options of how to read the data out of the spreadsheet.

Our first stop was looking at Microsoft Graph. This seemed like a good bet as it seemed like a way to call into a well documented API and easily get our data out. Unfortunately, it turned…



Kyle Carter
Geek Culture

I'm a software architect that has a passion for software design and sharing with those around me.