How I Cracked the TCS Digital Interview

It’s not really as tough as people say

Nikhil Vemu
Geek Culture


people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

“When the placement season commences, a roller-coaster ride begins.”

Exams, exams, and exams everyday. All work and no play.

A typical day in my placements went like this.

  1. Wake up.
  2. Study incomplete DSAs (I didn’t take up DSA prior in my academics. Yup. My bad.)
  3. Check mails frequently for company arrivals.
  4. Apply at least for one eligible company every day.
  5. Attempt with hope an exam almost everyday.
  6. Open excel sheets of placed people, congratulate placed friends, and ask myself, “When will I get placed, my baba?”
  7. Sleep and dream for a job.

Somehow, I was fortunate, also maybe skilled enough to get placed in TCS Digital profile. Here I’d like to share all my preparation, exam, and interview experience of TCS Digital. At the end, I’ll give you few tips.

Contents1. Introduction
2. Preparation
3. Exam
• Pattern
• Questions I got
4. Interview
• Technical
• Managerial
• Behavioural (HR)
5. Results
6. Tips
7. Conclusion



Nikhil Vemu
Geek Culture

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