How Opensea clone script is lucrative for your business (7 revenue models)

Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readOct 25, 2022

in the digital market, Opensea has become a new milestone due to several reasons. It provides an excellent opportunity for investors, entrepreneurs and startups to gain profit from it. For this reason, create Opensea clone script, replicating the original marketplace, gives this great opportunity to entrepreneurs and startups to succeed in the crypto industry. With the increasing growth of NFT marketplaces and their rising values, these platforms attract more users daily. On the other hand, the increase in the marketplace’s popularity attracts more investors, which means that it will have great potential in the future.

Why do entrepreneurs intend to such a marketplace?

Now, Opensea is the most popular NFT marketplace, and due to its large number of users, many entrepreneurs are willing to build similar marketplace to profit. More precisely, based on the statistics, before 2019, it earned 2$ million, while in late 2020, it reached 94.8$. In addition, in 2021, the original marketplace gained 27.5 billion in sales with an average daily fee revenue of 4.2 million. These statistics clearly show why building such a platform would be lucrative for many businesses and attracts entrepreneurs and startups.

This NFT website allows entrepreneurs to launch their NFT marketplace in an affordable way quickly. In addition, the diverse revenue models in the clone and its gas fee make it an excellent choice for people who want a low-risk investment with high revenue.

Business Benefits of creating such an NFT marketplace

This NFT marketplace is superior to other NFT marketplaces since the NFT trading business is around 100$ million in investments. The main factors that make it unique are its simplicity, the vast number of investments, and its revenue. Additionally, to reduce computing energy, this platform wants to prioritize scalability. This NFT marketplace based on the Ethereum blockchain network encourages developers to lunch their peer-to-peer NFT marketplace platform for different activities like exchanging, buying, selling, and auctioning specific digital assets and crypto items. So, as a creator, you can take advantage of creating your NFT marketplace clone script. Some of these benefits are as follows:

- High ROI or return on investment refers to the percentage of growth or loss of investment and using this indicator of how much money you can earn from investing in assets.

- Brand identity: using this clone, you can create your brand identity and target your niche and specific audiences.

- Instant market lunch: since the clone script of Opensea is a replicated version of its original marketplace, it can be deployed quickly, and the developer team needs only a few days to implement your customized features based on your business needs.

- Zero possibility of fraudulent transactions: when you use a clone script to create such a marketplace, the probability of fraudulent transactions reaches nearly zero. A fraudulent transaction means unauthorized usage of a person’s account or payment information.

- Efficient monitoring and tracking: such marketplace that developed from the clone script code can support precise monitoring and engagement in the market.

- Beta module: with this feature, the site owner can run tests multiple times for their NFT marketplace.

- Low cost: the development cost of the platform using clone script is significantly lower than other methods.

- High scalability: the high degree of customization of features and visuals allowed in this script makes this software a great candidate to build your NFT marketplace based on your business requirements. The extended range of modifications enables the developers or site owner to integrate all needed features and changes according to the business needs, consequently enabling high scalability of the NFT platform.

- High level of customization: an Opensea clone script developed by an expert developer team can be tailored to the customer’s specific needs. The additional features and functions which can be incorporated in the clone script help the website owner to create a feature-rich NFT market.

- Revenue generating: adopting this NFT market for your business enables you to create massive revenue in a completely secure way. The multiple revenue streams (well described in the next section) are made through this marketplace, and they act as a hub for the best NFT collectibles.

  • Minimum transaction fees: this is one of the best parts of using this platform for its users.

Revenue models in the Opensea clone

You can gain money from this marketplace using bellow mentioned features:

Listing fees

Buying and selling NFTs is a center for millions of users. They can list the NFTs based on the various categories depending on users’ interests. It would help if you charged content creators to put their NFTs on lists on online platforms.

Transaction fees

As an owner of your NFT marketplace, you can determine a small fee for each transaction made in the NFT marketplace. A percentage of the charge is taken as a gas fee to maintain features on the platform.

Minting fees

This kind of tax is taken from NFT developers since they convert their artworks into non-fungible tokens.

Initial setup fee

Creators are listing their NFTs in your NFT marketplace clone script marketplace for the first time and are required to charge a low initial setup fee.

Private sale

Finalize investors can take time from the NFT creator; to make it timeless, you can use this option to charge a seller a fee for using your NFT marketplace.

Selling in sets

Some users want to sell their numerous NFTs to several investors. For such cases, you can charge a fee to execute on-chain trades and charge a fee for the final NFT price.

Bidding charge

This is designed for buyers who are into bidding. In this regard, they should pay a fee for every bid they make.

Investment in Opensea ventures

The Opensea script clone ventures focus on the four main themes of investments:

- The continued switch to the multi-chain world for non-fungible and fungible tokens.

- Create and support NFT-based protocols and other crypto-native principles.

- Use social and gaming flow as a distributed mechanism for crypto elements.

- Prioritize non-fungible tokens and analytics-supporting activities on this platform and other similar NFT marketplaces.

Gas fee of the platform

Users who want to participate in transactions should pay a high gas fee. A “gas-free” feature was added to the marketplace to reduce the enhanced price based on the polygon blockchain. The gas fee is eliminated by having NFTs on the Opensea clone script operating on polygon sidechains. Therefore, there would be no costly bidding NFTs and no costly wallet integration fee.

How to create such an NFT marketplace?

It would help if you started with UI design to have an appropriately functionalized NFT market. One interesting point of this clone is that it is designed in a way that works on several blockchain networks. A designed Opensea-like platform can support multiple blockchain networks and wallets based on the customer’s needs. Nonetheless, the development Opensea script process consists of briefly following steps. Note that these are the main ones:

1. UI design and development

The first step is designing an attractive user interface that attracts users. If the UI is designed properly, it can give a better user experience.

2. Select the blockchain network

The second step is choosing an appropriate blockchain network. The developer team should be smart in this step and select a blockchain that is the best for the customer’s business requirements. Picking up an appropriate blockchain platform will be essential to the future growth of the customer’s NFT market.

3. Wallet integration

In this clone script you are going to develop, it is important to give access to multiple crypto wallets. This step eases the user’s interaction with their wallets in the market. The wallet integration also important in exchange platforms like Binance clone script or Pancakeswap clone script.

4. Develop the smart contract

Smart contracts were designed for decentralized NFT marketplaces. Owing to the fact that Opensea clone script, Rarible clone script, Binance clone script, etc., are decentralized marketplaces, this step will be an essential part of the script development.

5. Add necessary features and functions.

The final step in developing of this NFT platform is adding necessary features and functions. These features should be selected based on the business needs and may vary from one business to another. As a developer, you should completely understand the customer’s business model and choose the best features that suit the NFT platform. The useful added features determine the easy-to-use of the market and what makes you improve and become distinct from your competitors.

Reasons Why its business model is unique?

There are different reasons why many people tend to trade digital collectibles via NFT platforms compared to other typical exchange platforms. However, there we listed some reasons that make the Opensea-like NFT market business model unique:

- It is the top NFT marketplace in the crypto exchange world

- It is aiding transactions were around 1 billion $ in 2021 and already over 1 billion $ in 2022.

- The original platform is currently valued at 13.3 billion $.

- It consists of competitive market commissions.

- It comprises a wide variety of NFT and crypto collectibles.

- It has an industry-leading security protocol.

- The security of it is grunted by immutable smart contracts, which makes the transaction fraudulent near zero.

- It has minimal commission fees for buying and selling NFTs.

How to find a qualified development company to lunch your Opensea-like NFT market using its clone script?

To find the right company which fulfill your expectation regarding launching, you should spend a lot of time searching for potential candidates, or you can keep reading to know more about the determinant factors of a development company:


You should see the cases of the candidate company and find out whether they have experience in NFT development and have worked in the required fields or not. For example, take a look at their previous cases in their portfolio to see if they did a project on a platform for minting and selling NFTs or not.

Client’s review

In the second step, you should see what their previous clients say about the team. These reviews should be written by clients who introduce themselves entirely and leave their full name, company name and position in the company. The anonymous reviews are not acceptable.

The cost of service

This factor depends on the developer team’s location, experience, skills, and portfolios. Although you can find free Opensea clone script GitHub, it is better not to trust such a free opensource code since they may be vulnerable to malicious and cyber-attacks. This is true about the entire NFT marketplace clone GitHub.

Their approach to the development

The agile manifesto requirements, a global standard today, are a great approach to development and allow saving money and time while the product satisfies the customer expectations.

Skills and technological stack

The technology a development company uses is essential in choosing the right company. It means the technologies like blockchain, neural networks, VR, and AR. For example, in RadinDev, a leading NFT marketplace development company, blockchain networks like Ethereum, Solana, and polygon can be used to develop a similar market.


the development company you choose should analyze your niche and target audience and embark on the project and your background. Pay attention to what the developer team asks you. Are their questions related to your project, or are they only interested in your money?



Geek Culture

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