How SpaceX Is Pacifying Astronomer’s Anger?

Astronauts are furious with SpaceX, as their Starlink satellites are ruining the night sky

Geek Culture


Starlink satellites train as seen from the Earth
Starlink satellites train as seen from the Earth (Image source)

On Thursday, March 4th, 2021, SpaceX Falcon 9 blasted off from Kennedy Space Center, carrying another 60 Starlink satellites. This launch brings the full size of the constellation to around 1100.

They’re planning to do these launches every couple of weeks during 2021. After these launches, the total number of satellites in the constellation will be around 1440. It will be enough to provide high-speed internet services to the USA and parts of Canada.

One of the big topics at last year’s meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Honolulu, Hawaii, was the impact of Starlink and the other upcoming internet constellations on astronomy.

Astronomers already have to deal with satellites photo bombing their photographs of space. Still, the Starlink satellites surprised them with their brightness.

There are about 18,000 satellites and pieces of space junk flying overhead. They are being constantly monitored and reflect a significant amount of sunlight.

Right now, there are only about 200 satellites and pieces of space debris visible to the unaided eye.



Geek Culture

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