How Spurwing Improves Healthcare Through Technology

While technology has transformed almost every industry on the planet in the last few years, nowhere is this transformation quite as obvious or as apparent — or as useful — as in the world of healthcare.

Ilya Nevolin
Geek Culture
4 min readJul 19, 2021


Today’s technological innovations are making it easier for healthcare professionals and facilities to provide the highest quality care and services to their patients in a way that was more challenging to pull off in the past.

These new solutions are making healthcare diagnostic more accurate, the treatment prescription process more effective, and the follow-up procedures more impactful, too. At the same time, the biggest barrier to making the most of these technological advancements is on the scheduling side of things.

If patients (and medical professionals) aren’t able to effectively schedule their healthcare appointments — or follow-up with these appointments — the greatest healthcare innovations in the world won’t make a bit of difference.

That’s where Spurwing comes into play. Engineered from the ground up to be an effective, easy to use, and extensible booking and scheduling API for the healthcare community, Spurwing makes it a whole lot easier for healthcare organizations to schedule and manage appointments moving forward.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Here are some other ways that Spurwing is improving the healthcare community with their innovative new technology.

Easy Online Consultations

Telemedicine and virtual consultations have gone from relatively “fringe” aspects of the modern medical community to mainstream faster than anyone could have expected.

Part of that has been caused by the realities of our modern world (especially after 2020 with all of the public health issues the global community has been challenged with), but part of it has to do with the comfort level that patients have with technology these days, too.

The Spurwing Scheduling API makes it easy to implement these kinds of online consultations into any healthcare practice, even if the online consultation platform has to be built “from the ground up”.

Effortless Appointment Booking

Trying to get patients and healthcare providers on the same page scheduling wise can feel a bit like trying to herd cats sometimes.

With the help of tools like the Spurwing Scheduling API, though, the appointment setting and scheduling process is simplified dramatically.

Now not only will healthcare professionals be able to share all of the available times and dates they can make available to their patients (while still protecting the privacy of individual patients under their care), but patients themselves will be able to pick and choose the right schedule and appointment for their needs, too.

Best of all, all of this can be done online — even from a phone or tablet! That’s a lot more freedom and a lot more accessibility than was ever available in the past.

This online scheduling solution (made possible through the Spurwing API) eliminates the need for phone calls that can take up critical staff time, eliminates the need for cross-referencing every time a new appointment needs to be made, and significantly reduces the likelihood of missed appointments by putting patients in the driver seat of picking times and days that work best for them.

It doesn’t get much better than that!

Timely and Automated Reminders

Missed medical appointments are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars lost money throughout the healthcare industry, raising the prices of healthcare across the board but also causing “logjam” issues with scheduling to overcome those missed appointments later down the line.

Spurwing helps to eliminate those missed appointments (at least as much as possible) by providing platforms for timely and automated reminders and follow-up messages.

Reminders can be set and scheduled to be sent on a weekly basis, a daily basis, or even an hour or two before the scheduled appointment (and any mix of those different timelines, too).

This helps to guarantee higher levels of appointment follow-through, keeping medical organizations better organize but also helping professionals provide better care.

Learn More About Spurwing Today

At the end of the day, it’s critical that healthcare providers are taking full advantage of all available technology to offer the best care possible.

Spurwing (at least on the surface) may not look like a typical technological advance in the world of healthcare, at least until you look at how important the booking, appointment setting, and scheduling side of this industry really is.

For more information about how Spurwing can help, and for specifics about how our Scheduling API can be used and deployed in your healthcare organization, visit our website or schedule a demo call with one of our engineers.



Ilya Nevolin
Geek Culture

Appointment Scheduling API and Calendar Management Solutions for Startups & Enterprises