How to Banish Your Card Reader and Enjoy the Dongle-free Life

Because one dongle is one too many

John Mills
Geek Culture


A frustrated person with their hands on their head
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Many of us living in the digital world have found that owning a memory card reader dongle is one of those annoying but necessary evils. Recently, I found a way to break free of this nuisance. Here is my journey to USB card reader freedom.

I have been using USB memory card readers for almost twenty years. My first digital camera was a Canon PowerShot G3 bought in 2003. It was a whopping 4 megapixels and used Compact Flash memory cards. Initially, I copied photos from the camera to my computer using the included camera USB cable. After some months, I learned that it was significantly quicker to transfer by taking the memory card out of the camera and putting it in a USB card reader attached to my computer. So the supplied USB cable gathered dust and was never used again.

Most of my memory card readers have developed faults, resulting in loss of some precious photos or videos

Thus began the journey of owning various memory card readers and cameras. My newer cameras used SD and microSD cards instead of the chunkier Compact Flash. Over time, most of my memory card readers developed faults, resulting in a corrupted memory card and the…



John Mills
Geek Culture

John is a software developer living in Wellington, New Zealand. He writes about code, tech, travel & “ancient” New Zealand.