How to Create a Simple Webpage in HTML 5 With Notepad

The webpage displays the title, heading and an ordered list of favorite web languages.

Moments Online
Geek Culture


Html 5 codes are displayed on a MacBook screen. Next to the MacBook are two mobile devices sitting on a table.
Photo by Mars on Unsplash

Hypertext markup language(HTML) is a web-based programming language for creating webpages. It forms the skeletal structure of any webpage.

In this piece, we will take a look at how to create a simple webpage with notepad, in the latest version of the hypertext markup language — HTML 5.

But before we get started a basic knowledge of html is needed. The html 5 tags below will be used to create the webpage.

<!-- Html tags and their uses -->

<!Doctype html> <!-- Declares the html document type -->

<html></html> <!-- Starts and ends the html document -->

<head></head> <!-- Holds all metadata about a page -->

<title></title> <!-- Contains the title of the page -->

<body></body> <!-- Holds the content of the page -->

<h1></h1> <!-- Largest headline size-->

<p></p> <!-- Used for paragraphing -->

<b></b> <!-- Boldens a text -->

<ol></ol> <!-- Creates an ordered-list -->

<li></li> <!-- Creates a list -->

Step 1: Launch the text editor (Notepad).



Moments Online
Geek Culture

Developer • Content Creator • Business Enthusiast - Writing to express not to impress. Taking life a day at a time.