How to Download Historical Cryptocurrency Price Data from Coingecko with Python

Build your blockchain idea with cryptocurrency price data

Jake Manger
Geek Culture


A bitcoin price rollercoaster. GIF sourced from Tenor.

Cryptocurrencies have skyrocketed in price since their inception. Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency, reached an all time high of $65,000 (November, 2021) coming from as little as $222 in January, 2015, or 0.02% of the price of a pizza in 2010.

Seriously, 0.02% of the price of a pizza. Lazlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas in 2010 for 10,000 BTC, which at near peak prices, is two pizzas for $650 million USD. Other, more recent cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Solana and Dogecoin have had similarly ludicrous increases in value.

If you’re like me, you may have thought about how you can use cryptocurrency data to build a new blockchain related project. Let’s say a product that tracks cryptocurrency prices. As a first step on this journey, I thought it would be fun to see how I could download some historical price data using Python and plot it on my local computer.

If you’re not aware, Python is a programming language commonly used to build websites and do data analysis and machine learning. It’s used by some huge companies. For example, instagram started with and still use python and the Django framework to run the backend of their app. If



Jake Manger
Geek Culture

Hi! I’m Jake and I like telling stories with technology. I’m also an indie developer and neuroscience/ai PhD student.