How to Manipulate Strings in JavaScript Like a Professional Developer

10 Top key methods to keep in mind for manipulating strings in JS

Geek Culture



Oh dear strings, who does code without using them? Every developer has a story with strings. When we first start manipulating them as developers, we tend to use some ways that complicate things. That’s why I chose to cover the must-know methods that will make life easier for you as well as your code reviewer. The difference between a rookie developer and a professional one can be easily seen when manipulating strings in JavaScript or TypeScript.

Let’s begin our express journey to professionalism with the top 10 most used methods in the world of strings.

1️⃣- includes(searchString[, position])

The includes() method performs a case-sensitive search to determine whether a string is found within another string. It returns either a boolean: true or false.

How does it work?




Geek Culture

A passionate software engineer and Angular GDE. I love to learn, help & share ❤. Find more about me here: 🔗