How to Represent a Graph Data Structure in Python

Python representation of graph.

Fahadul Shadhin
Geek Culture


Photo by Clint Adair on Unsplash

Graph is an important data structure studied in Computer Science. Graph theory is an equally important topic in both mathematics and Computer Science.

Representing a graph in a program means finding a way to store the graph in a computer’s memory. Which is a prerequisite to working with graphs in Computer Science.

In this article, I will discuss how to represent a graph using Python.

Table of Contents:· The Basics of Graph
· Two Types of Graph Representation
· Adjacency Matrix Representation
· Adjacency List Representation
Adjacency list of a directed graph:
Adjacency list of an undirected graph:
Adjacency list of a graph with path costs:
· The Graph Class
· Take Input From File
· Conclusion
· Helpful Resources

The Basics of Graph

A graph is a non-linear data structure that consists of a set of nodes and edges. Nodes are also referred to as vertices. An edge is a path that connects two nodes.

If we consider the following graph:

