How to Send Data From a Form and Receive It with Express.js

Rodrigo Figueroa
Geek Culture


I am practicing with forms and Express.js how to send data and how to catch it and this will be a great way to create a web page who will have a Data Base, and I can save information from the client this looks great, but I need to keep learning and sharing!

Watch the video if you want

Initiate NPM

npm init -y

Install dependencies

We need to install Express.js, express-handlebars, body-parser and that is all for now

npm i express --savenpm i express-handlebarsnpm i body-parser// just one line
npm i express express-handlebars body-parser --save

Structure of our directory

First of all, we need to create our views directory and inside we add views and layouts we will add the 404 view, 500, home and form view for our form’s example.

Example views and layouts structure
Example views and layouts structure

We can add a little of information to them like this

Main handlebars file
Main handlebars file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Handle Form</title>
{{{ body }}}
Example 404 handlebars’ file
Example 404 handlebars’ file
Example 500 handlebars’ file
Example 500 handlebars’ file
Example home handlebars’ page
Example home handlebars’ page
Example thank-you handlebars’ page
Example thank-you handlebars’ page

And the most important thing to be like a common form, don’t forget the method and action because this will send the data to Express.js

Form handlebars’ file
Form handlebars’ file
<form method="post" action="">
<label for="">
<input type="text" name="name_user" value="Jhon Wick" placeholder="Add your name">
<input type="email" name="email_user" value="" placeholder="Add your email">

This is really significant, and we need to specify the name because with this we can see that when we send the data Express.js will receive it, and it will create an object linking the name with the value.

Create our server with Express.js and Node.js

Second, we create a file call formexpress.js, and we need to call express to create our app with express and calling engine this is for the new version of the express-handlebars 6.0.1, the port and the bodyParser to help us to parse the data, and it will give us the information that we need.

Example js file for our server
Example js file for our server
creating variables and calling all the libraries that we need
creating variables and calling all the libraries that we need
const express     = require( 'express' ),
app = express(),
{ engine } = require( 'express-handlebars' ), // before 6.0.0
port = process.env.PORT || 1024,
bodyParser = require( 'body-parser' )

Specify the engine

This is really important because with this step we assure that we are using express-handlebars and the view engine, also we can add the layout, thus tha main handle-bars that we created before, and we need to use the bodyParser and adding the information extended to false

Specifying the engine
Specifying the engine
app.use( bodyParser({ extended: false }) )
app.engine( 'handlebars', engine({
defaultLayout: 'main'
app.set( 'view engine', 'handlebars' )

Creating the get functions for the requests

This is another critical part because with this is that we will get the view that we requested from the server

Example requested and response pages
Example requested and response pages
app.get( '/', ( req, res ) => res.render( 'home' ) )
app.get( '/form', ( req, res ) => res.render( 'form' ) )
app.get( '/thank-you', ( req, res ) => res.status( 303 ).render( 'thank-you' ) )

Post responses and 404 and 500 views

Finally, we have to create the post and what will do after the client send its data, we need to add the post method to the app and inside we need to set the URL and the req and res parameters then we need to use the req.body to check what the client sent to us, and we can redirect to the thank you page.

Example Post data and 400 and 500 responses
Example Post data and 400 and 500 responses '/form_post', ( req, res ) => {
res.redirect( 303, 'thank-you' )})
app.use( ( req, res ) => res.status( 404 ).render( '404' ) )
app.use( ( err, req, res, next ) => res.status( 500 ).render( 500 ) )
app.listen( port, console.log( `${ port }` ) )

Test it

Run our JS file

Example output js file
Example output js file

The home page

Example Home page
Example Home page

The form page

Example Form page
Example Form page

Clicking and what will we have?

Example redirection to the thank you page
Example redirection to the thank you page

And on the console log we will have the information from our client

Example output the data from the client

We have the information from our client, and we redirected to a thank you page and everyone is happy.


This step is really important because we are transferring worthy information from the client to the server, sending the data and receive it with Express.js in a really interesting step to keep it mind and the next step will be saving on a Data base or and API, but this is a really great breakthrough.




Rodrigo Figueroa
Geek Culture

I’m a Web Developer, fanatic of books and Smash Player.