How to Setup a Dark Web Site (and Why You Might Want to)

The dark web is home to a lot of genuine content not just the nefarious things we hear in the news

Biased Riot
Geek Culture


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

The dark web has gotten a reputation for containing a lot of illegal content. The (mostly false) story of Ross Ulbrict was recently the feature of a Hollywood movie titled “Deep Web” that explained how he founded the Silk Road website where drugs and other illegal content was sold. What most people don’t realise is that there is a whole other world of genuine content on the dark web. Although most of this falls into the category of blogs and conspiracy theory sites, the tor network is a tool like any other and can be used for good by the right people.

Why Host a Dark Web Site?

I wrote a recent article about how many countries around the world do not have free and open access to information online. If you lived in a country such as this, you might want to communicate with other citizens in a safe and anonymous way to avoid persecution from the government…



Biased Riot
Geek Culture

I discuss various topics related to technology, privacy and society.