How To Setup an XMPP Server For Private Messaging

Instead of using WhatsApp or Telegram setup a simple to use private chat server

Biased Riot
Geek Culture


Photo by Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash

Private messaging applications have been discussed a lot lately. It has a much more intimate feeling as we use it to directly communicate with our closest friends and family. Most of the current private messaging solutions don’t have your privacy and security in mind so in this article I’ll discuss how you can set up an XMPP server so you can maintain full control over your communications.

The Problem With Private Messaging

When WhatsApp announced that they’ll be sharing more user data with their parent company Facebook, a lot of people started searching for better solutions. It was no secret that WhatsApp already monitored the metadata of your messages which can give them a fairly deep insight into your behaviour especially when paired with your Facebook identity. However, alternatives such as Telegram and Signal also have some issue that people have spoken about in the past. Telegram doesn’t…



Biased Riot
Geek Culture

I discuss various topics related to technology, privacy and society.