How To Use Nodemailer With Gmail to Send e-mails?

Steps to follow to setup Nodemailer and start sending emails

Geek Culture




This article covers sending Gmail emails in a Node JS application. If you want to send a simple email without attached docs, you may have to consider using HTML without installing extra dependency.

If that’s your case, then here are some simple steps to follow for that:

Otherwise, stay with us to see how we can send emails with the library nodemailer for NodeJS app.

Step #1: Install the nodemailer module in your app

To do so, we need to use a package manager, either NPM or Yarn as you want:

npm install nodemailer
Nodemailer package

As you can see, this module is already popular, with over 1.5M weekly downloads. This solution is easy to…



Geek Culture

A passionate software engineer and Angular GDE. I love to learn, help & share ❤. Find more about me here: 🔗