How to Write UX Case Studies?

Sannan Malik
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2022


How to Write UX case studies is an essential skill for UX professionals. Whether you want to gain more clients or land a new job, a great case study will showcase your work and prove to employers that you are a team player. Here’s a guide to writing a great one.

Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash
  • The first step in creating a case study is to document the process. Make sure to include prototypes, wireframes, and user personas.
  • Once you have a product or a project that you’re proud of, you need to show it off. Luckily, there are plenty of free templates available online that can help you create a great case study.
  • Once you’ve created a case study, you can start writing it. Be sure to use bullet points to make your content easy to read and understand.

There’s no need to follow any rules or rigid structure when writing a case study — it’s up to you!

  • After creating your case study, ensure that it is in the right format. A web page is a good format, as it should work well on any device.

For example, if you have no coding experience, you can still include a slide deck that showcases your ideas and UX solutions.

  • Similarly, a PDF or presentation is also an excellent format, but remember to choose a format that is easy to read on all devices. If you’re writing for a design team…



Sannan Malik
Geek Culture

Writer at different Platforms, Thought expresser at Medium!