How variables are saved in Python and Rust. Side by Side 4: str/string

Series article to show how variables work in Python and Rust. Give us a better understanding of both languages. This is the 4th article about str/string.

Marshal SHI
Geek Culture


Image by Author


In this series of articles, I will show how variables work in Python and Rust side by side such that we could have a better understanding of both. In this article, we will check how str/string works in both.

In addition, I am not comparing which language is better. They all have their pros and cons. Also, please comment if there is anything that my understanding is wrong.


Python: version 3.9.7

Rust: 1.56.1

OS: 64bits Linux 5.12.19–1-MANJARO

Use CPython as the Interpreter of Python

`str` data type in Python

Because of the history of Python, it wasn’t designed to use Unicode to represent the string. Instead, Python uses bytes. It works well if we only process the ASCII chars. But later, bytes couldn’t represent all strings, Python needed to add Unicode support. That’s why we could see str data…



Marshal SHI
Geek Culture

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