Hype Driven Development

Sannan Malik
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2022


When developing software, it can be tempting to use the latest technologies and buzzwords. But do you really need to do that? In this article, I’ll show you the problems with hype driven development and discuss what you can do instead. Read on! Listed below are some examples of software development mistakes:

Photo by Antonio Janeski on Unsplash

Technology that is “hot” at the moment
When we develop software, we often make decisions based on technology that is “hot” at the moment. Some examples of this are the Micro-service architectures and NoSQL programming language. We often choose these solutions because they look cool, but don’t solve real problems. For example, a framework that has been popular for five months might be outdated within a year. The same goes for a framework that’s outdated in ten years.

While consumers typically experience short-term hype, commercial hype can last for several years. Major peaks may last two or three years. In addition, business press reports about the latest innovation, attracting analysts and bloggers to write about its potential impact. At the same time, a rush of suppliers offers variations of the technology, aligning their marketing strategies with the hype cycle. Eventually, these new innovations are embedded into other products, but only after the hype cycle has passed.



Sannan Malik
Geek Culture

Writer at different Platforms, Thought expresser at Medium!