I Built the Same Virus Knowledge Graph on Gemini Cloud, AuraDB and Neo4j Desktop

No-code vs. Low-code vs. Code; Cloud vs. On-prem

Sixing Huang
Geek Culture


You will learn:

1. how to use the no-code Gemini Cloud to construct a virus knowledge graph

2. to construct the same knowledge graph on Neo4j Desktop and AuraDB

3. some fun facts about influenza, COVID-19, monkeypox, and the common cold

4. the pros and cons

Figure 1. Screenshot of my virus knowledge graph on Gemini Explore. Image by author.

Recently, knowledge graphs are gaining traction quickly. Big tech companies are using them frequently, such as Google’s Infobox, Amazon Music, and Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph. That should not be a surprise because graphs are excellent at managing knowledge. They store information like a human, that is, via subject-verb-object triples. We can transform many existing data into knowledge graphs and then learn a lot by exploring, searching, and analyzing them.

The construction is straightforward: we break down our domain knowledge into a series of subject-verb-object triples and write them into a collection of CSV files. We then import them into a graph database, such as Neo4j. Voilà! And you can see how I built my knowledge graph for the Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (CAZy) in this article.



Sixing Huang
Geek Culture

A Neo4j Ninja, German bioinformatician in Gemini Data. I like to try things: Cloud, ML, satellite imagery, Japanese, plants, and travel the world.