I Tried OpenCV Face Recognition in C++

Alex Streza
Geek Culture


It was a horrible & creepy mistake

If you are a programmer and have a CS degree than you understand how some subjects are awfully difficult for no reason and not worth the struggle. This article isn’t about one of those, rather about those who’s titles and description sound fascinating using more buzzwords than Crypto DAO projects looking for funding.

Is a college degree required in tech?

It’s 8:30 AM on a Sunday and you’re excited about a class covering biometrics and means of secure authentication, so innocent to believe it cannot go wrong. The class begins and you start seeing a few red flags, the most obvious is that the main programming language is C++ and not Python.

Wait what? Yeah you heard me right, I get C++ is light years faster than Python and better for low level & embedded systems but it’s developer experience is terrible, even more when using external libraries and deciphering antiquated documentation (will get a lot of hate for this).

You weep a bit and quickly check you were still on mute, damnit Zoom calls, but go on and pay attention as the coding example of the day unveils. Face recognition. Your eyes spark with interest and your…



Alex Streza
Geek Culture

I love writing and building software, kinda hope I’m funny too. Check out my portfolio here snowfox.art.