I Want to Create My Own AI to Write Better Than My Hand Then I Peek at the Best One but It Is Not What I Think

It Might Be Long but You Will Be Glad if You Read This

Saranamkaro Bhikku
Geek Culture
12 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Our time is precious then we need leverage to save it

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the upcoming trend that will change our lives forever. Whatever your job is, you need tools to work and it’d be better if you find a tool that makes your life easier.

If you are a writer then you might need some tools to assist and the AI for this kind of job exists. Would it‘s’ better if you could gain more with less effort? That’s why AI exists.

I want to make one too but it’d be better if the existing one could do what I need. Then I googled and found Conversion.ai, the highest performance AI of this field.

I paid $29 for using it to create content within 20,000 words. If I want more, I need to pay extra. It will be my own fault if this AI generates all sh*t to me. So, this is some kind of gamble and I will test it for you. Let me take you on a tour.

Blog Post Topic Ideas tool

Textboxes are similar to the AIDA framework but it’s a little different. Here you go, this is my inputs.

These are the results from his Blog Post Topic Ideas tool.

Hmm. Is my input that bad? I don’t think I can use any of these! The most terrible one is “The hottest fashion trends for the fall.” My audience was writers but why it created this topic for me? This AI lacks creativeness. Yeah, it does not have creativeness in the first place but at least it should pretend to have one. Well, the results disappointed me.

Content improver tool

Me: Wow! I can feel your aura!
AI: Hehe, do you have any content to improve?
Me: Yes, I have one.
AI: Leave it to me!
Me: Well, are you sure about it?
AI: Why not?
Me: Because the contents I want to improve are your outputs from the last time.
AI: $%%#@@!$%$%##@

Okay, I am glad to see this tool. So, I wonder if it could improve what it wrote for me in the previous post. If you have not read it yet, feel free to check it out.

Now, let’s see what will this AI can do.

Input 1

Output 1.1

Output 1.2

Hey Hey Hey! The output 1.2 has gone too far from the origin content. It’s not an improvement but it is a different topic! And the output 1.1 is… Well, whatever, let’s move on.

Input 2

Output 2.1

Output 2.2

Wow! This AI is an expert in borrowing money for sure. It said like an expert in this field. I am satisfied with the improved version of the content. However, I wonder if they can improve my original input. Then, here you go.

Input 3 (Origin content)

Output 3.1

Output 3.2

What the heaven! It really can improve it!

By the way, what is Bull Sh*t dinosaurs?

To sum up, I like this tool because it is able to improve content. Some of the outputs might not be good but the success rate is acceptable. Do you know what I am thinking now?

“If it has the ability to improve content like this, why won't it go all out from start?”

This is what I am thinking. Okay, let’s take a break before we move to the next tool.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Product description tool

What is this tool? This tool description is “Create compelling product descriptions to be used on websites, emails, and social media.” Well, I will use Input 3 (Origin content) to test it out.

Output 1

Output 2

As I said earlier, why don’t AI improve its output before delivery? Forget it, I can just use the Content improver tool if I want a good result. Well, I see a new tool in the Beta version — Explain It To a Child. Let explain to them what Alien’s sh*t is.

Explain It To a Child tool

This tool is simple. Just input 400 words of text and a child’s grade. Let’s see how it explain to a grade one child from Input 3 (Origin content).

Output 1

Output 2

Here it comes again — AI’s block. Output 2 is not different than the original one and it can not determine what sh*t really is. For output 1…okay, it’s poop. Now, let’s see how will it explain this to a grade 12.

Output 1

Output 2

Hmm, it only tried to replace some words with simpler words. Nothing more. Well, I am tired of sh*t. Let’s try something more interesting.

Creative Story tool

Do you see the example text? It seems to be a tool for novelists. Fear not, I am not going to write any sh*t this time.

My plot

AI’s plot 1

AI’s plot 2

I wonder they are the same story. In plot 1, if AI wants to name his job then it should be Dimension hunter or Universal hunter. The ordering is wrong, he bought panties first then was arrested. It might see “Unfortunately, he was arrested” in past tense and thought this part should come first.

Wait…It thinks?

By the way, AI did not plot my last part;

“he did not give up and using the device from his world, density multi-amplifier to multiply his f*rt millions of times”

Because it is unique and creative? So, AI can not understand it without user data. In other words, it can not create something new without something new. Then, humans will never be replaced by any artificial intelligence in this field. It can only assist us.

Fig. 1 My AI blueprint mockup

Let’s see my AI blueprint mockup

I will explain how it works step by step.

  1. Input your key ideas, experience, and opinion about the topic. AI-3 and AI-4 will store it and wait to cooperate with AI-1 and AI-2.
  2. Input the link for raw information to AI-1 and upload the PDF file to AI -2.
  3. AI-4 analyzes key ideas and brainstorm with other AI. (huh?)
  4. They will use each sentence of key ideas as article structure, synchronizing all resources, and generate the content.
  5. AI-2 is a bit special. It selects the quote that suits the content structure and inserts citations where you mention the facts in the books or the author’s name with his words. I wonder if AI-2 could search the reference in Google Book and Google Scholar for us. If it is possible then we just write our part and let AI do the research. That’d be very convenient.

Well, this is my imagination. I don’t know why people think this is what Albert Einstein said but here you are,

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

The sci-fi fiction ‘The World Set Free’ has mentioned the ‘atomic bomb’ that would cause 30 years before it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then this AI should take some time to be usable. I am excited to see what the future holds for architecture with all its possibilities and creativity.

