Importance of Flow Charts in architecting software

Robin Alex Panicker
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2023
Flow chart

Designing software is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. One key aspect of this process is creating flow charts for every workflow involved in the software design. Flow charts are diagrams that visually represent the steps of a process or system, and they are a critical tool in software design for several reasons.

How Flow Charts help in building better software

Flow charts help designers to visualize the workflow of the software. By breaking down the software into individual steps and mapping out the logical flow of information, designers can identify potential problems and bottlenecks early on in the development process. This allows them to make necessary adjustments and optimize the workflow before the software is built, which ultimately leads to a better user experience.

Moreover, flow charts are also useful for communicating the software design to stakeholders, such as clients or team members. By presenting a clear and concise visual representation of the software’s workflow, designers can ensure that everyone involved in the project has a shared understanding of the design. This can help prevent miscommunications or misunderstandings that can lead to delays and other issues.

Another advantage of using flow charts in software design is that they can be easily updated and revised as the project progresses. Because software design is an iterative process that often involves multiple rounds of revisions and adjustments, having a clear and easily modifiable flow chart can save designers time and effort. By quickly updating the flow chart, designers can ensure that everyone involved in the project is on the same page, even as the design evolves.

Flow charts can also help with testing and debugging the software. By having a clear understanding of the workflow, testers can prepare better test cases and more easily identify any issues that arise during the testing process. This can lead to more efficient testing and faster resolution of any problems that arise.

Skipping Flow Charts is borderline stupidity

However, there is a new trend emerging where some software designers are skipping the process of drawing flow charts, as they feel it’s a time-consuming process that doesn’t add much value. While it may seem like a good idea in the short term to save time and effort by skipping flow charts, it can have detrimental effects on the software design in the long run.

Skipping flow charts can lead to a lack of clarity and direction in the software design process. Without a clear understanding of the workflow, designers may miss potential issues and bottlenecks that can significantly impact the user experience. Additionally, stakeholders may not have a shared understanding of the software design, which can lead to miscommunications and delays in the project.

Furthermore, skipping flow charts can make the testing and debugging process more challenging. Without a clear understanding of the workflow, testers may struggle to identify and resolve any issues that arise during testing. This can lead to longer testing times, delayed releases, and ultimately, dissatisfied users.

Tools for creating Flow Charts

When it comes to creating flow charts for software design, there are a variety of tools available that can help streamline the process. These tools range from basic drawing programs to more advanced software specifically designed for flow chart creation.

One popular tool for creating flow charts is Microsoft Visio. This software allows designers to create detailed diagrams with a wide range of shapes and connectors, making it easy to map out even the most complex workflows. Visio also includes templates specifically designed for software design, making it easy to get started.

Another tool that many designers use is Lucidchart. This web-based platform offers a wide range of templates and shapes, making it easy to create professional-looking flow charts quickly. Lucidchart also includes collaboration features, allowing multiple team members to work on the same diagram simultaneously.

For those on a budget, there are also free and open-source tools available for flow chart creation. is a popular open-source option that offers a wide range of shapes and connectors, making it easy to create professional-looking flow charts. Additionally, Google Docs includes a basic drawing tool that can be used to create simple flow charts quickly.

Regardless of which tool is used, the most important aspect of creating flow charts is to ensure that they accurately represent the workflow of the software. This means taking the time to identify all of the steps involved in the process, mapping out the logical flow of information, and incorporating feedback from stakeholders.


Drawing flow charts of every workflow is an essential aspect of software design. Flow charts help designers optimize the workflow, communicate the design to stakeholders, easily update and revise the design, and facilitate testing and debugging. Skipping flow charts may seem like a good idea in the short term, but it can have detrimental effects on the software design process in the long run. Therefore, it’s essential to continue using flow charts as a critical tool in creating software that is both functional and user-friendly.



Robin Alex Panicker
Geek Culture

Yet another Software Engineer. Architecting Mobile APM & Bug Detection tool Finotes ( Venture Partner with Unicorn India Ventures