Information vs Reality

The more information you have, the further you are from the truth.

David Amrani Hernandez
Geek Culture


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

One of the main effects of globalisation is access to information from all over the world, from news of general interest to the formation of new companies in small technology districts, such as Silicon Valley.

Where we used to get news from our own town or city, we now know what is happening all over the world. The Amazon fire, the fires in Australia, the Notre Damm fire, the Wuhan virus… Every day we receive new stimuli in the form of audiovisual content.

Twenty years ago the more information you had, the closer you were to the truth. Today, the more information you have, the further you are from the truth.

So the question I often ask myself is: How can we know the truth in the face of so much misinformation? And I would like to open a debate. Let me know your opinion in the comments.

This new normal is being promoted by the new algorithms of social networks like Youtube, Instagram or Twitch. The growth of these networks depends on the continued use of their platforms and for this reason they reward the constant uploading of content. Influencers, for their part, try to adapt to this algorithm…



David Amrani Hernandez
Geek Culture

Senior Cloud Security | Secdevops @ Telefonica ☕️ Writing about Cloud, Cybersecurity, new technologies and other hobbies 🚀