Interpret a Black-Box Neural Network Model with a No-Code Platform

Deep dive intuition of Neuton.AI Explainability Office

Satyam Kumar
Geek Culture


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Model Interpretation is no longer a choice but a necessity to interpret a data science model. Most of the ML algorithms or NN models are notorious as a black box, as it’s difficult to interpret the predictions or cause of predictions. Model Interpretation enables the data scientist to generate insights from the trained model and explain the model outcomes to the stakeholders.

There are various open-sourced libraries/frameworks including SHAP, LIME, ELI5, etc that offers model explainability. It’s difficult for the stakeholders, or business folks to implement the above-mentioned packages to interpret their models, as it requires some knowledge of programming and data science for the implementation.

In this article, we will go through an AutoML no-code platform — Neuton.AI that offers predictive analytics, explainability of neural network model trained on any custom dataset in just a few clicks.

About Neuton.AI:

Neuton.AI is a no-code platform that offers AutoML implementation. Neuton.AI can perform EDA, model training, and model interpretation in just a few clicks for folks with or without data science or programming knowledge.

