Introduction to Twint: Say Goodbye to Twitter Rate Limitations — Also No Need for A Twitter API!

Zoumana Keita
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2022


Collect Data from Twitter without using any Twitter’s API!

Image modified by Author (Joe Biden Image from The Spokesman Review and the US map on Pixabay)


For those who have been using tweepy before, you might already be confronted with the inevitable steps related to signing up for a developer account, and getting authentication credentials. In reality, someone who just wants to get data does not necessarily want to go through all those steps which do not add value to the end process. Here is wheretwintcomes in handy.

According to its documentation, twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python, that allows for scraping Tweets from Twitter profiles without using Twitter’s API.

The main focus of this article is to provide a complete overview of using twint, applied to a specific use case detailed in the data collection section below.

Getting Started

Before diving into data collection, let’s have an overview of some of the benefits of usingTwint.

  • The user can collect almost all the tweets without limitations on the number of tweets.
  • Usingtwint is anonymous because it does not require the user to sign up, meaning that there is no need to share anything related…



Zoumana Keita
Geek Culture

Senior Data Scientist/IT Analyst @OXY || Videos about AI, Data Science, Programming & Tech 👉