Intrusion detection using Python OpenCV

Analyze CCTV video to detect intrusion

Mukul Kumar
Geek Culture
5 min readJul 16, 2021


Problem Statement

In this simple demonstration we will see how to analyze and identify object in video. The below video captures intruder and we will understand the basic processing technique to detect this.

What is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a Python library which is designed to solve computer vision problems. It’s an immensely popular image/video processing library.

OpenCV Python is nothing but a wrapper class for the original C++ library to be used with Python. Using this, all of the OpenCV array structures gets converted to/from NumPy arrays.

How does computer read an image?

Input to any neural network should be numeric and fortunately images are naturally represented as array of numbers.

  • Images are made of pixels.
  • A number between 0–255 represents the color intensity of each pixel.
  • Each pixel in a color image is an array representing the intensities of red, blue and green. The red, green and blue (RGB) are called channels.
  • A grayscale image (a black and white image), have only one channel.

Reading a gray scale and color image

The image will be read using OpenCV(cv2) and plot using matplotlib.

  • ‘imread’ command will read image from “files” directory
  • ‘cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE’ will be use to read gray scale image
Sachin gray scale image
  • OpenCv read color image in BGR color-space and matplotlib needs image in RGB color-space. To show image we have to convert the color from BGR to RGB using cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB.
Sachin Color image

The shape of gray scale image is (206,160) and color image is (206,160,3). The last number shows channels.

Video Analysis

A video is basically a sequence of frames where each where each frame is an image. We will see how OpenCV can be used to process a series of image (i.e. video).

First load the video and find out total number of frames. We will also display one image from the series of the frames.

There are total 2053 frames in this video. ‘ret’ in below syntax is return binary value (0/1) and ‘frame’ return one frame from video.

To convert video into series of frames — Read the sample video file and save image/frame at every 60th timestep in local folder. The loop will continue till return a frame. Save each frame in ‘.jpg’ format.

  • As per the above code there are 35 images saved in path provided in “os.path.join”.
  • Count is the step after which we are saving image from video. We will now show first image from this list of images.
  • Note that color image doesn’t make any difference in this analysis. So we will process the image in gray.
  • Our aim is to find out if any one has entered from the gate.
  • If someone enters, subsequent frame will show difference as compared to previous frame.
  • But after watching video carefully we can see the cars are moving on the road i.e. frames are changing with time. Also, the timestamp shown in CCTV video is continuously changing.
  • We will mask these two area so that remaining area of each frame can be compared to detect any changes.

Now we will loop through all the images to find out the difference between two consecutive images. For this purpose I will use kernel/filter of size (10,10). If we use smaller kernel it will show difference in images for minor things also (like changes because of wind). Also, applying erosion (morphological operations).

Convert the above list (diff_from_ref) in dictionary and sort in ascending order

frame 33 and 34 is showing highest difference. Let’s see 33rd frame image.

We can see intrusion detected in frame 33.

