InventorBot: Using AI to Generate New Ideas in Any Field

How a neural network trained on the US Patent Database can produce new and possibly useful inventions.

Robert A. Gonsalves
Geek Culture


Photo by Richard Greenhill and Hugo Elias from

In July 2019, an inventor named Stephen Thaler filed for a patent for a warning beacon that flashes in a special way to get people’s attention. On the patent application form, Thaler listed himself as the applicant and the assignee but not the inventor. Who invented this improved beacon? A better question is what invented this improved beacon?

The answer is DABUS, which stands for “Device Autonomously Bootstrapping Uniform Sensibility” [1]. This is a neural network that Thaler created and trained to invent things. (Brief side note: the improved beacon, in turn, uses a neural network to attract the attention of humans [2]. DABUS seems to be following a bit of common advice for newbies, “write what you know”. 😃) The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) denied the patent because the inventor is not a person. Here’s what the USPTO said in their decision [3].

To the extent the petitioner argues that an “inventor” could be construed to cover machines, the patent statutes preclude such a broad interpretation. Title 35 of the United States Code consistently refers to inventors as natural persons. For example, 35 U.S.C. § 101 states



Robert A. Gonsalves
Geek Culture

Robert A. Gonsalves is an artist, inventor, and engineer who writes about the creative uses of AI. Ask questions