Is Bitcoin Poised to Become The World’s Reserve Currency?

Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2021


And how this will affect your life

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

There are a lot of arguments about Bitcoin lately. On one hand, we have all the FUD created by Elon Musk, China, environmental issues, FBI hacks, etc. On the other hand, we have the FOMO — Scarcity, widespread adoption, El Salvador, hedge funds investing, new use cases in developing countries, miners moving out of China, renewable energy mining, etc.

It seems like we are living in two parallel universes. The FUD hell and the FOMO paradise. As with politics, religion, or sports, anyone can pick and choose a narrative that better suits their needs and ignore everything else.

But that would be unwise. Burying your head in the sand has never been a good strategy.

Narrative is everything. A slight shift in perspective can determine our position for or against anything. Bitcoin is no different. Is this the best thing since sliced bread? Or is it an evil technology that will destroy civilization and everything else on its path?

Where is the truth? Who is right? And why does it even matter?

The future

Whatever Bitcoin turns out to be, it’s anyone’s guess. This experiment has never been tried out before therefore we don’t have a route map. IT could go either way.



Geek Culture

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free