Is React Native a Good Choice for Mobile App Development?

Ankita kapoor
Geek Culture
Published in
7 min readApr 30, 2022

Have you ever realized how entertaining and communicating life has become with the coming of smartphones which support various types of applications?

Yes! It is true. Mobile Apps are playing an important role as these are the major source which can give the proper information about the particular product or the business without investing a lot of time.

Well, if you know about the significance of the mobile applications and are making use of them in your day-to-day life but do you know what is the principal energy that is making a particular mobile app a perfect one to perform.

Your Mobile app performs on the basis of the framework in which it is built. There are various Mobile App development frameworks and among them React Native is one to which we are going to discuss here.

What is React Native?

React Native is an Open Source framework for Mobile application development. It provides a cheap and fast track to completion and works well on targeted platforms.

Talking about the React native in its Technical term, it could be said that it is an open-source framework of Javascript based on Js and React, Js library for creating UI. This framework is being widely used for mobile application development because of its positive features. Let’s have a look at its importance:

According to react native is the future of mobile app development, and more and more developers are incorporating this framework in their app building process. By 2020, mobile apps will be generating a revenue of $188.9 billion, through in-app advertising and app stores. Moreover, the continual demand for aesthetic appeal and seamless navigation of mobile apps have made it essential to embrace React Native for app development.

What famous mobile apps were built with React Native?

React Native has been chosen by various renowned companies to develop mobile apps as this is one of the most robust and reliable cross-platform development frameworks.

Facebook, Instagram, Uber Eats, Pinterest, Salesforce, Wix, Bloomberg, KFC, Vogue, Wallmart, are some of the famous mobile apps which are built using React Native. The power of React Native could be seen when Microsoft-owned Skype instead of using its own Xamarin, make use of React Native.

Why choose React Native for Mobile App development?

Here are some of the highlights which show the importance of using Reactive Native in Mobile App development as well as the future of Mobile App Development using React Native. Let’s have a look:

Cross-platform compatibility

Initially React Native was introduced just for iOS but gradually keeping its amazing features in mind, Facebook decided to introduce it for android as well. Till now the majority of the APIs are in Cross-platform which justify that developers are able to build both Android and iOS apps making use of React Native.

There is no need for making use of languages like JAVA, Swift, C+. You just need to be in contact with a Javascript developer who is efficient in native UI library, APIs, and hybrid mobile app development.

Apart from that, in order to prove the authenticity of the app, you can embed the native code easily without wasting much time and spending money on development cost.

Faster Development Cycle

With the help of React Native, developers can build apps much faster. It has become famous among the community of the developers in a shorter span of time. As it is already told that react Native is an open-source framework of Javascript, it provides various components that can be used locally and this helps the developers to work faster with at least 30% shorter development time.

Multiple outcomes and under one undemanding solution

React Native is prevailing on the ideas where you can develop a mobile app performing tasks that are actually complex making use of simple codes. Facebook has provided this framework a UI library so that it could make more simple codes in order to implement and execute ReactJS. There is a ‘Live Reload’ feature to a mobile app developer in the core of it. With the help of this, you can make changes on time as well as the changes at the time when the app is getting loaded.

Helpful in tight-budget constraints

Whenever you start some business, the first thing that comes in mind is the money or budget and this is the major thing that one cannot avoid. Every business wants a faster return after investing money on it. In that case, hiring React Native developer for mobile app development could be considered a good one option as doing this, you can save a lot of time and money.


You are already aware of the term Open-source. Open source projects mean where a large number of contributors are contributing to making a project better and better. Just like this way, React Native is also a large community of efficient developers who are working bug fixing, feature improvement and helping people to use it conveniently.

So, this open-source feature of React Native is also one of the features which are highly recognizable in creating ordinary mobile apps.

Native functionality

The reason behind the name of the term “React Native” is that apps that are developed on this platform can perform like any native app. Apart from this, developers cannot ignore this fact that the popularity of React Native lies in its keyboard behavior, scroll accelerations, usability, and animations.

Additionally, the user interface that is being developed by React Native includes native widgets which help in a flawless performance. With the help of React Native along with JavaScript, the most complex apps perform very smoothly. So it is always good to develop apps making use of React native as it will always develop robust apps.

Live Updates

The live update feature is one of the most significant features of implementing React Native in app development. Javascript helps the developers to push or pop up the updates directly in the mobile phone of the users instead of making them going through the app store update cycle. Finally makes the users get the latest updates regarding the app instead of keeping in touch with the older version.

Helps to reduce the time to write code

React Native is able to reuse and reduce the code that is written in its big form. Yes! React Native keeps that capability. But it does not mean that you just need to write code once and it could be implemented on every platform. Being a developer, you are just required to develop a fresh code in order to build a UI helps t look for individual platform according to their best practices and standards.

Covers Two Major Ecosystems

It covers two major ecosystems easily that are iOS and Android. Development of Native apps for them is seen as the bane of developers because it is really difficult to develop these platforms.

The reason why they are considered is that iOS application development needs to have proper knowledge of Swift or objective C and talking about the Android application, it needs to have efficient knowledge of Java and the Android SDK. Apart from that, you are required to have to take the headache of staying updated with all the latest features of these two ecosystems that are coming.

Simple to Learn

React Native is such a highly readable and easy to learn and the reason behind this is that it is based on language fundamentals. It could be considered as one of the best tools for fresher developers who are new to Javascript because it offers a wide variety of components consisting of maps and filters.

Positive Developer Experience

A developer can have a better and positive experience as React Native offers a great developing environment. And, this is possible as here fresher developers who are new to this platform can modify and implement the changes at the time when the app is working thus eliminating the need to restart. When you make changes in the file, there is hot reloading which refreshes the user interface.

Apart from that, with the help of flexbox layout engine that is provided by React Native in order to generate pp layout, you have the privilege to learn just one layout engine in order to process development on both platforms that are iOS and Android. Additionally, you are allowed to use the chrome developer tools in order to embed React Native with desktop chrome browser. So, if you want your own app, you can hire mobile app developers for react native cross-platform mobile app development.

Wrapping up

So, you have seen React Native which is a big community of developers, is an open-source for cross-platform mobile app development. You have also gone through the advantages of developing a mobile app with react native. Now, if you are desiring to develop a multi-dimensional app, then do not think for another framework as this would serve you a better experience in concern to cost and time.

As you have already seen that this framework is so famous that is why there are various mobile app development companies who are making apps based on React Native.



Ankita kapoor
Geek Culture

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