JavaScript: How to delete an element by Value in an array?

Surya Gutta
Geek Culture
Published in
1 min readMay 4, 2020

Delete an element from an array using existing methods in JavaScript

Photo by Bharat Patil on Unsplash

In JavaScript, to delete an item from an array, we have the following methods:

1) pop()

Removes an element from the end of the JavaScript array.

2) shift()

Removes an element from the beginning of the JavaScript array.

3) splice()

Removes an element at the specified index of the JavaScript array.

4) delete operator (Ex: delete arr[3])

deletes an element at the specified index of the JavaScript array. But, null will be inserted at that index as it won’t change the length of the array.

What options do we have to remove an element by its value and resize the array automatically?

a) Use the splice and indexOf functions

let arr = [‘One’, ‘Two’, ‘Three’, ‘Four’]
Remove an element with value ‘Three’.

arr.splice(arr.indexOf(‘Three’), 1);

b) Use filter function

let arr = [‘One’, ‘Two’, ‘Three’, ‘Four’]
Remove an element with value ‘Three’.

let filteredArr = arr.filter(function(value, index, arr){ return value !==’Three’;});

Note that the above filter function returns a new array.

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Surya Gutta
Geek Culture

Software Architect | Machine Learning | Statistics | AWS | GCP