JavaScript vs PHP — The Best Language for Backend Development

Emma Martin
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2023

PHP is a widely used programming language for server-side scripting, and JavaScript for client-side programming. Together they are used to make robust dynamic web apps. However, with the availability of Node.js and Express.js, JavaScript is now applicable for server-side scripting too. So, developers don’t need to switch from JavaScript to PHP to make dynamic sites and apps.

However, does JavaScript work efficiently for server-side scripting? Or it’s best to continue with PHP for backend development. This confusion has led to a hot topic JavaScript vs. PHP — which one to choose for server-side development? Let’s find out.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an open-source lightweight dynamic programming language. It is also multi-paradigm, high-level, and interpreted language. It was initially developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. Curly-bracket syntax, first-class functions, & prototype-based object orientation characterize the programming language.

As per a report by Statista, as of 2022, JavaScript is the most used programming language among developers, with a popularity of 65.36%. Global sites like Google, YouTube, and Facebook use the JavaScript language on their site.

What is PHP?

PHP is the abbreviation for the server-side scripting language Hypertext Preprocessor. It is specifically used for building the backend of dynamic websites and apps. The programming language helps in building feature-rich web pages and database-driven sites.

Notably, PHP powers 77% of all the websites whose server-side scripting information is available over the internet. Wikipedia, Yahoo, and Slack have been developed using PHP code.

PHP vs JavaScript — Detailed Comparison

Still, trying to decide whether to choose PHP or JavaScript for your web app? Read further for a more detailed comparison of the two programming languages.

PHP vs JavaScript — Integration of the External Code

The PHP scripting language allows the integration of only HTML code as external code. In contrast, the JavaScript programming language enables the integration of various external codes, including HTML, XML, and Ajax.

PHP vs JavaScript — Runtime Environment

Both programming languages use different runtime environments for the execution of the site code. PHP uses Zend Engine as a compiler & the run-time engine for the code. It offers excellent performance and reliability and is a fundamental reason behind the popularity of the PHP language. So, hiring PHP developers allows you to build high-speed sites with reliable performance.

In contrast, you can hire dedicated JavaScript developer who uses the Node.js runtime environment based on the V8 engine. It powers the site with exceptional speed performance and can handle various tasks effortlessly.

PHP vs JavaScript — Concurrency

Concurrency refers to tasks being completed when all the threads and sub-threads are done with processing. So, all the threads handling any activity start and end simultaneously. PHP powers you with multithreaded blocking Input/output to perform various activities simultaneously while following a systematic approach. In contrast, JavaScript provides you with a single-threaded functional script. It follows an event-driven model and has a non-blocking Input/output execution, which allows everything to run concurrently.

PHP vs JavaScript — When to Use Them

Both are excellent options, but their use depends upon the precise business requirements.

Use PHP under the following conditions:

  • You want to build an app using the traditional LAMP technology stack.
  • Trying to make a large-scale app and need a reliable server side language
  • For eCommerce-based projects involving WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla, and others
  • Require databases like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Sybase, etc.

Use JavaScript under the following conditions:

  • Want to build modern web apps
  • Trying to create dynamic web pages or single-page applications
  • You want to use database servers like MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, etc.
  • Have experts in MEAN or MERN stack

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Wrapping Up

That was all about JavaScript vs PHP. If you want to build eCommerce apps, it’s ideal to go with PHP as the scripting language has several ready-made ecommerce platforms, including Magento, Woocommerce, and more. It is also suitable for building large-scale projects. Thus, PHP development services work best under such business demands. However, if you want to develop modern web apps, it’s best to use JavaScript.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which is better, PHP or JavaScript?

PHP is better for large-scale intensive projects, and JavaScript is ideal for modern web solutions. Both were originally intended for different purposes. For example, JavaScript is a client side scripting language and PHP is server side scripting language.

Q2. What is the best replacement for PHP?

Python, JavaScript, and Go are popular and successful alternatives to the PHP language.

Q3. Is PHP better than React?

No, React offers various trending features and capabilities required in modern web application development projects. React is best for developing apps with high rendering performance.

Q4. Is PHP still relevant in 2023?

Yes, PHP is not going anywhere, and it is to stay. While the programming language fails to work for AI and ML, it is still a widely accepted choice for simple web development projects. Moreover, PHP powers 77% of all websites, guaranteeing that businesses will stay on this scripting language for a long time.

Q5. Why PHP is better than Python?

PHP is better than Python language only regarding speed performance and leer memory consumption. In contrast, Python offers several features necessary for leveraging the latest technology trends. For example, Python is compatible with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science and provides many valuable frameworks for web development projects. An in-depth study of Python vs PHP can help you with the correct answer.



Emma Martin
Geek Culture

As a programming expert and writer, Emma has a unique ability to communicate complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.