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Raise your hand if you are not fond of LEGO or as a child did not spend entire days building everything, simply driven by imagination developing crativity. Many psychologists say that play, especially when done together with others creates team, helps to collaborate to achieve a result, facilitating group knowledge and learning.
I confess I was amazed when, in one of my first meetings following the AGILE methodology, the scrum muster showed up to the team with a box full of LEGOs and said, “now let’s do team building by unleashing our creativity.”
This is well known by the founders of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.Called in by Lego as consultants, Johan Roos and Bart Victor, two Swiss university professors, devised the concept and method of serious play in order to enable managers to approach and develop their activities in different ways.
The methodology consists of confrontation-oriented facilitation in collaborative settings. It is an accelerator of the processes of thinking, expression, sharing and decision-making.
Through the use of LEGO bricks, the methodology supports working groups in a reflection on a common theme leading to concrete assumptions of shared responsibility. It is a tool that proves to be innovative and effective for collaborating in the creation, evolution and transformation of an organization or idea.