Lightning-Fast Search with MeiliSearch and Elixir in Record Time

Alim Arslan Kaya
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readMar 5, 2023


Story image

In this story, you will learn how to implement lightning-fast search functionality in your Elixir Phoenix web application using MeiliSearch.

Let’s start!

What is MeiliSearch?

MeiliSearch is an open-source search engine built using Rust, designed to offer high performance and ease of use.

MeiliSearch has features such as typo tolerance, faceted search, and multi-language support.

I personally love MeiliSearch, it is insanely simple, very fast and simply fun to use.

MeiliSearch also has many SDKs and an easy-to-use REST API which lets us use it even easier.

What we are building in this story

In this story, you will learn how to use Elixir, Phoenix and MeiliSearch to build a blazing-fast movie search engine.

We will also be using the newly released version of Phoenix, Phoenix 1.7, which comes with many new improvements.

The end result will look like this.

Example image of the project



Alim Arslan Kaya
Geek Culture

Fullstack Go, Rust, Elixir, Python and TypeScript Enthusiast.