Mental Models For The Data Space

Build your data company faster, manage your data products better, and invest smarter by using data-specific mental models

Sven Balnojan
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readMar 26, 2023


To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Let me give you a toolkit instead!

“In Munger’s view, it is better to be worldly wise than to spend lots of time working with a single model that is precisely wrong.

A multiple-model approach that is only approximately right will produce a far better outcome in anything that involves people or a social system.” (Tren Griffin in “Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor”)

Legendary investor & thinker Charlie Munger, the man with the “quickest 30-second mind” according to Warren Buffet, is direct and clear in his approach. He uses a multi-model approach to decision-making. A large collection of models coming from different disciplines to quickly make good proximate decisions.

I’ve spent the last couple of years collecting a lot of mental models relevant to the data space. I’ve used them as a data product manager to make product decisions. I’m using them every day in my newsletter “Three Data Point Thursday” to understand and evaluate…



Sven Balnojan
Geek Culture

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