Microservices with Spring Boot — How keep services without dying using Circuit Breaker Pattern

Damith Neranjan Samarakoon
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2023
Photo by Lea Böhm on Unsplash

As a microservice developer, one of your main responsibilities is keeping services alive. One important aspect of this is handling fault tolerance in each microservice. In this article, we’ll discuss how the Circuit Breaker pattern with Hystrix implementation can help prevent cascading failures and improve the resilience of your microservices.

Think about the following scenario:

you have three services, A, B, and C, and they need to communicate with one another. A calls B, and C calls B. Now, what if B service is down? Since both A and C are directly dependent on B, they will also go down. This kind of service failure can cause cascading failures throughout the system.

The Circuit Breaker pattern can help prevent cascading failures by failing fast and recovering as quickly as possible. It involves wrapping calls to external services with a circuit breaker object. The circuit breaker tracks the number of failures and opens the circuit when the number of failures exceeds a threshold. When the circuit is open, requests to the service will be immediately returned without trying to call the service. This prevents further calls to the failed service and allows the service to recover. Once the service is available again, the circuit breaker will close the circuit and allow requests to be made to the service again.

In the scenario described above, if service B is down, the circuit breaker on services A and C will open, preventing them from making further calls to service B. This will prevent cascading failures and allow service B to recover. Once service B is available again, the circuit breaker will close, and requests to service B will be made again.

Hystrix is a popular implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern for Java. It provides a number of features, such as request caching, request collapsing, and thread pool isolation, to further improve the resilience of microservices.

To implement Hystrix in your microservices, you can add the Hystrix library to your project and annotate your service calls with the @HystrixCommand annotation. This will wrap your service calls with a circuit breaker object and allow you to configure the circuit breaker behavior, such as the failure threshold and timeout values.

Here’s an example of how to use Hystrix in a microservice:

public class MyService {

private RestTemplate restTemplate;

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultFallback")
public String callExternalService(String url) {
return restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);

public String defaultFallback(String url) {
return "Fallback response";

In this example, the callExternalService method calls an external service using the RestTemplate and is annotated with @HystrixCommand. If the external service call fails, the circuit breaker will open, and the defaultFallback method will be called instead. This method provides a fallback response in case the external service is unavailable.

Best Practices for Using the Circuit Breaker Pattern with Hystrix

When implementing the Circuit Breaker pattern with Hystrix, it’s essential to follow some best practices to maximize its benefits and ensure the resilience of your microservices:

  1. Identify Critical Services: Identify the critical services that your microservices depend on heavily. These are the services that, if unavailable, would significantly impact the functionality of your system. Apply the Circuit Breaker pattern selectively to these services to prioritize fault tolerance and resilience where it’s most needed.
  2. Configure Appropriate Thresholds: Set appropriate thresholds for failures, timeouts, and concurrency in the circuit breaker. These thresholds should be based on the characteristics of the dependent services and the expected behavior of your application. Carefully tuning these values helps strike a balance between responsiveness and preventing cascading failures.
  3. Define Graceful Fallbacks: Implement meaningful fallback methods that provide reasonable alternatives or default responses when a service call fails. Fallbacks should be designed to maintain the overall functionality of the system, even if certain services are temporarily unavailable. Consider returning cached data, using default values, or providing a degraded version of the response.
  4. Monitor Circuit Breaker State: Continuously monitor the state of the circuit breaker to gain insights into its behavior and the health of the services it protects. Use the provided metrics and monitoring capabilities to observe key indicators such as error rates, circuit breaker state transitions, and response times. This data can help you identify potential issues and fine-tune the configuration of the circuit breaker.
  5. Test for Resilience: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the resilience of your microservices in different failure scenarios. Simulate failures in dependent services and observe how the circuit breaker reacts and protects the system from cascading failures. This will help you validate the effectiveness of your circuit breaker implementation and identify any weaknesses that need to be addressed.
  6. Consider Circuit Breaker Retries: In some cases, it may be beneficial to introduce retries when a service call fails, especially if the failure is intermittent or due to transient issues. Hystrix provides the ability to configure retries with a backoff strategy, allowing you to make subsequent attempts to connect to the failed service after a short delay.
  7. Upgrade to Alternative Libraries: As mentioned earlier, Hystrix is no longer actively maintained by Netflix. Consider migrating to alternative libraries such as Resilience4j or Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker, which provide similar functionalities and are actively supported by the community. This ensures that you can leverage the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches in your circuit breaker implementation.

By following these best practices, you can effectively utilize the Circuit Breaker pattern with Hystrix (or alternative libraries) to enhance the resilience and fault tolerance of your microservices. This pattern plays a crucial role in ensuring that failures in dependent services do not propagate throughout the system, enabling your microservices to gracefully handle failures and maintain the overall stability of your application.

In conclusion, fault tolerance and resilience are critical aspects of microservice development. The Circuit Breaker pattern, with its implementation using Hystrix, provides an effective solution for preventing cascading failures and improving the reliability of your microservices. By incorporating circuit breakers and leveraging features such as timeouts, request caching, and thread pool isolation, you can create more robust and resilient microservice architectures. Remember to consider the specific requirements of your system and select the appropriate configuration options to achieve optimal results.

Thanks for reading..!!



Damith Neranjan Samarakoon
Geek Culture

I’m an Engineering Lead @Persistent System, blogger,thinker, husband & father of “little angle”. passionate about Technology,Engineering and Learning.