Mint an NFT and ERC-721 Smart Contract — Easy Step-by-step!

You will be very proud of yourself after minting your own NFT with a Smart Contract deployed by yourself! This is what you need to know to create an NFT Smart Contract and mint new NFTs with Ethereum Remix!

Henrique Centieiro & Bee Lee
Geek Culture


As you all know, I love to have feedback from my students to update my online courses.

Marlus, a student of mine from the NFT Course, asked the following question:

I’m very interested in code and deploy my own ERC-721 contract, do you plan to include something about that in the course?

Dear Marlus, your wishes are my duty!

In this article, we will follow these important steps (I assume that you have already Metamask installed):

  1. Get some test Ether
  2. Download IPFS
  3. Upload your artwork to IPFS
  4. Open Ethereum Remix and create the Smart Contract
  5. Deploy the Smart Contract
  6. Mint the NTF

BEFORE moving forward with these steps, if you need to get familiar with the NFT concept and tools, you can also check the articles below:



Henrique Centieiro & Bee Lee
Geek Culture

👑8X Top Writer | Crypto, AI, MidJourney, Tech, Investing, Mindset |🧠Founder of |🌳Stay in Touch: