Missing Flutter Best Practices

Fred Grott
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readSep 24, 2021


The Skeleton App Template was introduced in Flutter 2.5 allegedly to show Flutter Best Practices. Ahem, where are the best practices? Hmm, showing an example of a unit test and a mocked widget test but then not showing testing the settings service or even showing an app fixture to inject that service into a test. Really, that consists as showing flutter best practices?

But that is on the code side, UX Best Practices is also somewhat missing. AppBar navigation in mobile is somewhat dead, every modern popular app has moved to navigation side rail and bottom tabbed navigation.

On the code side, such a move with web deep linking demands a route observer be implemented. Also, due to the UX change to navigation rail, one should start using some adaptive breakpoints and adaptive column and other containers. And due to wanting to integrate eBay’s goldens toolkit, one cannot use builders in the root App widget to implement a responsive UI as it produces errors when attempting Goldens testing.

I am going to cover all the Best Flutter Practices that are missing and hint that you should as your first Flutter App Development task; redo the skeleton app template as a proof of concept of Flutter Best Practices.

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